Bird Feeder Tray

A bird feeder tray is a simple device used to attract birds. It provides a flat surface where birds can feed comfortably.A bird feeder tray is a shallow platform, often made of metal or plastic, that holds bird food. It can be placed on a stand or hung from a tree to feed various bird species.

A bird feeder tray is an open platform that lets birds feed easily. It’s great for attracting a variety of birds to your yard. Want to bring nature closer? A tray feeder might be just the thing!

How to hang a plate as a bird feeder tray

To hang a plate as a bird feeder tray, first pick a sturdy plate that can hold bird food. Use a drill to make small holes around the edges or use a plate with a raised lip. Thread strong string or wire through the holes, tying knots to secure it.

Find a good spot outside, like a tree branch or a hook. Make sure it’s in a safe, quiet place where birds feel comfortable. Hang the plate securely so it stays level, then fill it with bird food and enjoy watching the birds come to eat.

What can I put under my bird feeder tray to catch seeds?

To catch seeds under your bird feeder tray, you can place a large tray or shallow dish underneath. This helps collect the falling seeds and keeps the area clean. Make sure the tray is wide enough to cover the space beneath the feeder.

Another option is to use a seed-catching net or mat. These are designed to catch seeds and prevent mess. You can also grow low plants or flowers under the feeder to catch seeds naturally while adding a bit of beauty.

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How do you make a hanging bird feeder tray?

How do you make a hanging bird feeder tray

To make a hanging bird feeder tray, you need a tray or a shallow plate that will not break easily. Screw small holes in the most corners of the tray, so it can be hanged. Get some strong string wire or rope, and pass them through the holes then make strong knots at each corner of the boards.

After that, all the strings should be gathered and tied with another string where the top is; then made a loop for suspending. If possible, hang it on a tree branch or a hook somewhere closely located to a wall and if no noise is heard there, it’s perfect. Put in the bird food in the tray and let the birds feed on the food that you have placed there for them.

Do birds like tray feeders?

Yes, birds like tray feeders because they provide a large, open space for easy access to food. Many types of birds, like sparrows and doves, enjoy the comfort of standing on a flat surface while eating. Tray feeders can also hold different kinds of food like seeds, fruits, or nuts.

Tray feeders attract a wide variety of birds, making them popular in many backyards. Since the food is out in the open, birds can quickly spot it. Just remember to clean the tray often to keep the birds healthy.

How do you make a bird feeder tray out of cups and saucers?

How do you make a bird feeder tray out of cups and saucers

To make a bird feeder tray out of cups and saucers, first glue the cup to the saucer with waterproof glue. Place the cup on its side so birds can easily reach the food. Let the glue dry completely before moving to the next step.

Then, drill small holes in the saucer for attaching string or wire. Thread strong string through the holes, tying secure knots. Gather the strings at the top to form a loop for hanging. Finally, fill the saucer with bird food and hang it in a safe spot outside.

How do you make a bird feeder out of an egg tray?

The following are steps on how to make a bird feeder from an egg tray; First, the top of the tray has to be trimmed in order to form several cups. Coat the tray with a layer of paint or polythene to avoid its contact with rain water or sunshine.

After that, take a thin string or wire and put it around the four points of the tray, tighten properly. Bend the tray in half and hang from a branch or hook and pour bird seed into each cup for the birds to enjoy..

How do you make a bird feeder out of a gallon jug?

How do you make a bird feeder out of a gallon jug

To make a bird feeder from a gallon jug, start by cutting small holes in the sides of the jug near the bottom. These holes will let birds access the food inside. Make sure the holes are just big enough for birds to reach through.

Next, thread a piece of string or wire through the jug’s handle for hanging. Fill the jug with birdseed and secure the lid. Hang the feeder in a quiet, accessible spot and watch the birds come to enjoy their meal.

How do you make a bird feeder with cereal?

To make a bird feeder with cereal, first, take a piece of cardboard and cut it into a small square or rectangle. Spread a layer of peanut butter on the cardboard, then press the cereal onto the peanut butter so it sticks.

Next, punch a hole at the top of the cardboard and thread a piece of string through it. Tie a knot to create a loop for hanging. Place the feeder outside on a tree branch or hook and enjoy watching the birds nibble on the cereal.

Bird Feeder Tray on Pole

How to build a bird feeder tray on a pole: place or fix a tray onto elevation of the pole using screws or clamps. Select a tray with a large flat area for birds to perch and feed on in large space parrot bird feeder. You should ensure that the attachment is well done to avoid movement of the tray especially wobbling.

After that, one should shove the pole in the ground or somewhere that would ensure that it stands freely. Position the bird feeder tray in a position that the bird can easily access but it cannot be accessed by a predator. Place in the bird seed, and off you go bird watching.

Bird feeder tray diy

Bird feeder tray diy

To create a DIY bird feeder tray, start by finding a shallow, sturdy container like a plastic plate or old baking dish. Drill small holes in the corners of the tray for drainage and to attach hanging materials.

Next, use string or wire to make a loop for hanging. Secure the string through the holes, ensuring it can hold the tray steadily. Hang the tray from a tree branch or hook, fill it with birdseed, and watch the birds come to visit.

Bird feeder tray replacement

To replace a bird feeder tray, first take off the old tray by detaching it from the pole or stand. Clean the area where the tray was attached to remove any leftover seeds or debris. This ensures a good fit for the new tray.

Next, place the new tray onto the same pole or mount, making sure it is securely fastened. Adjust it so it is level and stable to avoid spills. Once in place, fill the tray with fresh birdseed and hang it where birds can easily find it.

Platform Bird Feeder with Pole

To set up a platform bird feeder with a pole, start by attaching the platform to the top of the pole. Secure it tightly using screws or bolts to ensure it stays in place. Choose a platform that is large enough for birds to land and eat comfortably.

Next, insert the pole into the ground or a stable base. Make sure it is firmly planted to prevent wobbling. Fill the platform with birdseed and position the feeder in a spot where birds can easily access it. Enjoy watching various birds visit your feeder.

Bird Feeder Tray to catch Seed

Bird Feeder Tray to catch Seed

To catch seeds from a bird feeder tray, place a large, shallow tray or dish directly under the feeder. This will collect seeds that fall and prevent mess around the feeder area. Make sure the tray is wide enough to catch most of the fallen seeds.

You can also use a mesh net or fabric to catch seeds if you prefer a more discreet option. Secure the net or fabric beneath the feeder to trap seeds as they fall. Regularly clean the tray or net to keep the area tidy and to provide a clean feeding spot for the birds.

Also Read: Squirrel Baffles For Bird Feeders


What is a bird feeder tray?

A bird feeder tray is a flat, open container designed to hold bird food. It allows birds to land and eat comfortably. Trays can be made from various materials like plastic, metal, or wood.

How do I clean a bird feeder tray?

To clean a bird feeder tray, remove any leftover seeds and wash the tray with soapy water. Rinse thoroughly and let it dry completely before refilling with new birdseed. Regular cleaning helps prevent the spread of disease.

Can I use a bird feeder tray for different types of birdseed?

Yes, bird feeder trays can hold various types of birdseed, including mixed seeds, sunflower seeds, or millet. Trays are versatile and attract a wide range of bird species. Just make sure to choose seeds that are appropriate for the birds you want to attract.

How do I prevent squirrels from accessing my bird feeder tray?

To keep squirrels away, use a squirrel-proof baffle or feeder guard around the tray. You can also place the tray on a pole with a baffle to make it difficult for squirrels to climb. Avoid placing the feeder near trees or structures that squirrels can use to jump onto it.

Where is the best place to hang a bird feeder tray?

Hang a bird feeder tray in a quiet, sheltered area away from predators. Choose a spot with good visibility so birds can easily find it. Ensure the tray is at a height that is safe from cats and other animals.


A bird feeder tray is a flat container designed to hold bird food and attract various bird species. It provides an open surface where birds can land and feed comfortably. Trays come in different materials like plastic, metal, or wood, and they can be mounted on poles or hung from trees.

To maintain the bird feeder tray, clean it regularly by washing with soapy water and allowing it to dry thoroughly. Place it in a quiet, safe location to avoid predators and ensure easy access for birds. A well-maintained tray can enhance your birdwatching experience and support local wildlife.

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