cardinal bird feeders

The best cardinal bird feeders is one designed to meet their needs. Cardinals prefer feeders with large perches and space to move around. The feeder should hold their favorite seeds like sunflower or safflower. With the right feeder, you’ll attract more cardinals to your yard for easy bird-watching.

Want to attract beautiful cardinals to your yard? The best bird feeder for cardinals has large perches and holds seeds like sunflower or safflower. Cardinals love sturdy feeders that give them space to eat comfortably. With the right feeder, your backyard will be a haven for these stunning red birds!

What kind of bird feeder is best for cardinals?

What kind of bird feeder is best for cardinals

Large Perches: 

Cardinals need plenty of space to land and eat. A feeder with large, sturdy perches provides the support they need to feed comfortably. These perches should be wide enough to accommodate their size and allow them to grip securely.

Wide Feeding Ports: 

Feeders with wide feeding ports or open trays work best for cardinals. This design gives them ample space to access the seeds without struggling. The wider ports make it easier for cardinals to eat, especially since they have larger beaks compared to other birds.

Seed Type: 

Choose a feeder that holds sunflower or safflower seeds. These seeds are favored by cardinals and will attract them more effectively. Avoid mixed seeds with fillers that cardinals might not eat, as this can reduce the feeder’s attractiveness to them.

Sturdy Construction: 

Opt for feeders made from durable materials such as metal or heavy-duty plastic. The feeder should be able to withstand outdoor conditions and the weight of cardinals without tipping over or breaking. A well-built feeder will last longer and provide consistent feeding.

Easy to Clean: 

A feeder that is easy to disassemble and clean is important. Regular cleaning helps prevent mold, bacteria and spoiled seeds, which can deter cardinals. Look for feeders that can be washed thoroughly and are easy to refill.

Predator Protection: 

Ensure the feeder has features to keep predators away. This can include baffles, squirrel-proof designs or metal cages that protect the seeds. Such features help keep cardinals safe from animals like squirrels and raccoons that might steal the food or harm the birds.

Proper Placement: 

Hang the feeder about 5 to 6 feet off the ground and place it in a quiet area with some cover, such as bushes or trees. This height and placement offer safety from ground predators while making it accessible for cardinals. The nearby cover also provides a sense of security for the birds as they feed.

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What is the best place to put a cardinal bird feeder?

The best place to put a cardinal bird feeder is in a quiet, safe spot in your yard. Cardinals prefer areas with some cover, like near bushes or trees, where they feel protected from predators. Avoid placing the feeder too close to windows to prevent bird collisions. Make sure it’s easy to reach for cleaning and refilling.

For the best results, place the feeder about 5-6 feet off the ground. This height keeps it safe from ground predators like cats. Cardinals like to have a clear view of their surroundings, so keep the feeder in an open space but with nearby shelter. This will help them feel secure while they feed.

Why are not cardinals coming to my bird feeder?

Why are not cardinals coming to my bird feeder

Cardinals might not be visiting your feeder if it’s not in a good location. Place the feeder in a quiet, sheltered spot with some nearby cover, like bushes or trees. If it is too exposed or close to busy areas, cardinals may feel unsafe and stay away. Also, make sure your feeder is clean and easy to reach for refilling.

Another issue could be the type of food you’re offering. Cardinals love sunflower or safflower seeds, so check that your feeder contains these. Sometimes, it also takes a bit of time for cardinals to discover a new feeder, so do not lose hope. Ensure the feeder is visible from where they might be flying.

How We Tested the Best Bird Feeders for Cardinals

Thus, to determine the appropriate cardinal bird feeders we began with the selection of feeders that have ample perches and which are very sturdy. We sought for feeders which contain seeds that cardinals enjoy such as sunflower or safflower. Every feeder was evaluated to categorize them based on how easy they are to clean and refill so that they can benefit the users.

We then placed each feeder in different spots in our test area to see where cardinals were most likely to visit. We watched closely to see which feeders attracted the most cardinals and recorded their feeding patterns. By comparing these observations, we identified which feeders were the most effective and appealing for attracting cardinals.

What to Consider When Choosing a Bird Feeder for Cardinals

When choosing the bird feeder for cardinals it is advisable that you get one that has large perches on which they may sit while feeding. Cardinals enjoy seeds such as sunflower or safflower thus you should go for a feeder that can accommodate these kinds of food. In addition the feeder should be strong and capable to with stand outside weather conditions.

Another important factor is the feeder’s placement. It should be located in a quiet, safe area with some cover, like near bushes or trees. Make sure the feeder is easy to clean and refill to keep the food fresh and the feeder in good condition. Lastly, consider the feeder’s design to ensure it is visually appealing and functional for cardinals.

How do you birds feed cardinals and not squirrels?

How do you birds feed cardinals and not squirrels

To feed cardinals without attracting squirrels, use feeders designed to deter them. Choose feeders with features like weight activated perches that close when a squirrel tries to feed. Some feeders have metal cages or baffles that keep squirrels away while allowing cardinals to access the food.

Another trick is to use squirrel-proof feeders that have special designs to prevent squirrels from reaching the seeds. Placing your feeder on a pole with a baffle or using a squirrel guard can also help. Additionally, feeding cardinals with seeds like safflower can reduce squirrel visits, as they don’t like these seeds as much.

Bird feeders for cardinals and bluejays

For attracting both cardinals and bluejays, choose cardinal bird feeders that can hold large seeds like sunflower or peanuts. Look for feeders with wide perches and enough space for both types of birds to eat comfortably. Both cardinals and bluejays appreciate feeders that are sturdy and easy to access.

A feeder with a strong design will help accommodate the larger bluejays while still being suitable for cardinals. Consider using feeders with multiple feeding stations or trays to give both species plenty of room. Placing the feeder in a quiet, safe area with some cover will also make it more appealing to both cardinals and bluejays.

Homemade bird feeders for cardinals

Homemade bird feeders for cardinals

For a home made bird feeder for the cardinals begin with a pine cone. The first layer that should be applied on the pine cone is peanut butter and it must be done in a thick layer. Coat pine cone with hot glue and then roll the pine cone in bird seed such that it gets coated sufficiently. Take a piece of string and place it around the toy’s top end connecting it to a branch on the tree. This is a very simple feeder which offers cardinals a tasty item they will enjoy.

Another easy option is to repurpose a plastic bottle. Cut small holes around the bottle near the bottom and fill it with bird seed. Secure the bottle to a tree with a string or wire so it hangs steadily. As cardinals peck at the holes, the seeds will gradually come out, making it a convenient feeder.


What type of bird feeder is best for attracting cardinals?

The best bird feeders for cardinals are those with large, sturdy perches and open trays. Cardinals need ample space to land and eat comfortably. Feeders that hold sunflower or safflower seeds are particularly effective, as these are favored by cardinals. Look for designs that offer easy access for these larger birds.

How high should I hang a bird feeder for cardinals?

Hang your bird feeder about 5 to 6 feet off the ground to keep it accessible while protecting it from predators. This height allows cardinals to land comfortably and access the feeder easily. Ensure that the location provides some cover, such as nearby bushes or trees, for added safety.

Can I use a tube feeder for cardinals?

you can use a tube feeder, but choose one with wide feeding ports and large perches. Cardinals have larger bodies and need enough space to feed comfortably. Tube feeders designed for cardinals often have wider perches and larger openings to accommodate their feeding habits.

What type of seeds should I use in a cardinal feeder?

Sunflower and safflower seeds are the best choices for attracting cardinals. These seeds are favorites among cardinals and will make your feeder more appealing to them. Avoid using mixed seeds that may contain filler seeds, which cardinals might not prefer.

How can I keep squirrels away from my cardinal feeder?

To keep squirrels away, choose a squirrel proof feeder with features like weight activated perches or metal barriers. You can also use a baffle on the pole to prevent squirrels from climbing up. Additionally, placing the feeder away from trees and structures can help reduce squirrel access.

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The best cardinal bird feeders features large perches and holds seeds like sunflower or safflower, which are preferred by these birds. A feeder with wide trays or ample feeding ports is ideal, as it allows cardinals enough space to land and eat comfortably. Look for a sturdy design that is also easy to clean and refill to keep the food fresh and the feeder in good condition.

For the best results, hang the feeder about 5 to 6 feet off the ground. This height makes it accessible to cardinals while keeping it safe from ground predators. Place the feeder in a quiet area with some cover, such as nearby bushes or trees, to provide security and make it more inviting for cardinals. This setup will help attract these beautiful birds and ensure they can enjoy their meals safely and comfortably.

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